Something I wrote a while ago for my wonderful Mr O..
I want.......
To wake up every morning and find you next to me
To share my hopes and dreams with you
To laugh with you and cry with you as well
To show you the real me, no pretences
To know the real you, no pretences
To make mini-me's and mini you's
To be your number one fan
To be the safe place where your heart can reside
To be able to disagree with you but know you still love me
To forgive you when you hurt me and make me upset
To cook you your favourite meal and watch you wolf it down! LOL!
To pray with you as often as possible
To lie on the grass with you and listen to andrea bocelli and argue about what the words really mean
To learn the little things that make you smile and do them ever so often
To trust you with my heart and realize that I don't have to be so strong all the time
I want to do all these things just because.....Just because I love you!
(c) Esther Hadassah 2009
Such a cute cute poem!
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